Health News

America approves genetic test that explains the cause of obesity, so that accurate treatment can be done
Obesity medicines do not work equally on everyone, if the stomach does not fill, then high protein, if you feel hungry after some time, then fiber diet is effective.

These days obesity reducing drugs don't work properly on social media. Some people lose up to 20% and some struggle to lose even 1%. There is nothing surprising in this, because the reasons for obesity are different. Dr. Andres Acosta, assistant professor of medicine at the Mayo Clinic, plunged himself into the laboratory for 10 years to find out why. He has divided the causes of obesity into parts – the first is the hungry brain – those people who never feel full. Second Hungry Gut i.e. Hungry Stomach - Such people come in this who eat till their stomach is full and within an hour or two they start feeling hungry again. Third, emotional hunger – people who eat to reward themselves or binge eat to deal with emotional issues. And the fourth category is slow burn. Whose metabolism hardly burns calories. Dr. Acosta says that what is the reason for obesity, it should be known during treatment. For example, those who never feel full will struggle more to control their diet and whose metabolism hardly burns calories. Such people can never lose enough weight, no matter how much they exercise. Acosta and his team have developed a saliva test that differentiates four types of obesity by analyzing a set of obesity-related genes they identified. These tests will give clear guidance to physicians and patients about which drug will be more effective for which symptom. He says that till now using medicine to reduce obesity was like shooting arrows in the dark. It practice is quite extensive and risky in the field of obesity. America has recently approved this test and more than 300 doctors have come forward for this test. Obesity expert Dr. Jed Jabbar, president of the Illinois Obesity Society, says that this will help us to find out which patients to give which class of drugs or change the diet.
Most of the people in obesity fall in the category of hungry brain and hungry gut.
Acosta says that the cause of obesity in 40-70% of people is genetics. Most people fall into the Hungry Gut or Hungry Brain category. For people with a hungry gut, a high-protein diet may be helpful, which can increase the activity of hormones like GLP-1. As the drug does, it can cause loss of appetite. Such people should take protein-rich diet three to five times a day in small quantities to keep their hunger calm. People with Hungry Brain should eat more fiber and less calorie food. To keep such patients full, one or two complete meals should be taken in a day so that the brain can get a signal to stop eating.
Courtesy: Dainik Bhaskar
The person who went to learn yoga from India raised the fire in the Islamic country, the support of the President
Sunrise of Yoga in Syria..... Helping to deal with the tension arising out of civil war and economic situation, yoga centers increased four times in a decade
Be it the gardens, stadiums or playgrounds of Syria's capital Damascus, yoga is seen everywhere from children to elders. From Surya Namaskar to learning all the asanas, he is making himself mentally and physically healthy. This dedication to yoga is visible all over the country. Such a change in an Islamic country is surprising. 
In fact, due to civil war and economic stress for nearly two decades the challenge was to bring the struggling Syrian people back to normal life. In such a situation, Yoga became an important weapon and Majen Isa introduced the country to this knowledge. Mazen came to India two decades ago to study yoga. Learned Yoga while living in Rishikesh. As soon as he returned, he opened a yoga practice center. Since then hundreds of free yoga centers have been opened in the country. Syrian President Bashar al-Assad is also a supporter of yoga, that's why yoga is getting success. For half a century, the hardline Assad dynasty adopted a policy of pressurizing Sunni Muslims in the country. But recently he softened his attitude towards other religions and sects. Apart from promoting yoga, Christians have started giving church approval in their homes, apart from this, Jews of Syrian origin have also been encouraged to visit Damascus. Asad Sarkar feels that these efforts will increase the minority base of the government and help in changing his image. New religions and their culture provide relief to people in a country ravaged by civil war. It is believed that 3.5 lakh people were killed during this period. In 2012, more than 2.2 crore population is displaced or has been forced to go abroad. 90% people are living in poverty. Meetings are still closed. In such a situation, small changes raise hope.
Yoga in refugee settlements, Catholic colleges also opened
According to the Syrian Yoga and Meditation Center, yoga centers have increased 4 times since the war started in 2011. The Sports Ministry is providing them access to the football ground for yoga. Assad sends officials on World Yoga Day. Yoga is fast catching up with Syrian refugees as well. The charity International Association of Human Values is organizing camps and yoga classes for Syrians. Catholic College opened in Damascus. Assad and his wife also go to church.
Courtesy: The Economist
60 bed hospital running in Hatingan city, focus on vegetarian yoga
Parkinson in Germany by Ayurvedic method
Treatment of disease Parkinson disease in Germany in Ayurvedic method, Ayurveda is used as a complementary method in the treatment of patients with Parkinson's (associated with the nerves) in the neurology department of Protestant Hospital in the city of Hatingen for the last 14 years. Including Ayurveda with allopathy. Hospital Research Team members Dr. Sandeep and Dr. Sunil say that Ayurveda method helps a lot in returning the power of smell in Parkinson's patients. Detailed research is still going on on other benefits of Ayurvedic method of Parkinson's treatment.
Meditation - Speech therapy is benefiting patients
Dr. Sandra Szymanski said that in the 60-bed hospital, patients are treated with Ayurvedic complementary methods during treatment. Patients have the option of Ayurvedic diet. The Ayurvedic diet made in the hospital kitchen is completely vegetarian. It is also beneficial in diabetes.
Dr. Horst learned the benefits of Ayurveda in India
Dr. Horst Prezuntek learned the benefits of Ayurveda during his stay in India. Started using Ayurveda as a complementary method in 2009. Dr. Horst treats the gastronomical (stomach) system by considering the root cause of the disease.
Source: Arogyam


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