Swadhyayat Ma Pramadah Negative Thought Virus Self-study Antivirus

Swadhyayat Ma Pramadah Negative Thought Virus Self-study Antivirus

Dr. Abhishek Kumar Bhardwaj 
Assistant Professor – Department of Psychology,
Patanjali University, Haridwar

  Today everyone can enjoy the glamor of profile lifestyle we want to get high in the digital age equipped with high-tech equipment, but its effects are very frightening due to which people of all age groups, children, teenagers, youth and old people are being affected. If we talk about the student, then he is feeling suffocated due to studies contrary to his interest and possibilities, career worries, comparative behavior of parents (comparison with neighboring children), various types of pressure and excessive expectations, he is feeling emotionally exhausted. Feeling lonely, becoming emotional and self-centered, his ability to tolerate situations and stress is decreasing. Their patience and self-confidence are also weakening due to which the immunity of their mind is decreasing and many types of behavioral disorders and mental diseases are developing in them. Its root causes are distorted thinking, corrupted viewpoint and incontinence.
Today the body can be protected through proper diet, medicines, security guards etc. but the question is how will the mind be protected? If a person is far away from everyone today, it is only from himself. He doesn't even know who he is and what is the purpose of his life? And because of this, he sometimes gets badly entangled in the complexities of the situation and feels mentally disturbed. He is not able to realize his power; Nor is he able to maintain harmony between feelings and thoughts. Hence there is a need. Application of such techniques in life, which is helpful in self-analysis, so that a person can know his potential and limitations and gradually move forward on the path of progress and create a balance in every dimension of his personality (emotional, cognitive and practical). Could. In Indian culture, 'Swadhyay' is one such technique which anyone can use and can achieve mental health by managing stress and managing thoughts. In ancient times, Rishis and Acharyas used to include self-study for attaining knowledge in the Gurukul education tradition. in present time research work is also being done on the application of self-study.

Concept of self study

The real meaning of Swadhyaya is 'to study the self', but to study oneself, to investigate one's capabilities, one has to first create a mind of that level, develop a thinking system of that level and For this, first of all one has to study the life stories of martyrs and great men, literature related to yoga and spirituality, contemplate on it and practice implementing it in life. Only when a person reads literature of excellent quality and useful for life, his thoughts will also be excellent. Swadhyaya is the art of knowing oneself. Dr. Karambelkar (1989), the interpreter of Patanjala Yoga Sutra, says regarding Swadhyaya that Swadhyaya has two meanings -
A. Reading holy religious texts and
B. To study (examine and analyze) oneself (the behavior of one's body and mind).
Maharishi Patanjali has placed Swadhyaya under Kriyayoga and has described it as helpful in attaining Samadhi. Swadhyaya is also an important part of 'Niyama', the second part of Ashtanga Yoga. In its deepest sense, self-study is a powerful effort to reconstruct the mental structure. 
Swadhyaya therapy is based on the concept of disconnection from thoughts. Through this important formula, anyone can build his personality by cutting the dense web of negative thoughts with positive thoughts. Swadhyaya has been given the place of therapy in the spiritual world. Self-study is necessary for mental health and ideological development because without pure and refined mind and thoughts, a healthy body and decent behavior cannot be imagined. Through self-study first the mind becomes healthy, then the life.
It is true that if the outlook is made healthy then all the dimensions of life automatically become healthy. Self-study cures this attitude. Whatever kind of literature a person reads, his ideology becomes the same. Just as exercise is required to keep the body healthy, similarly study of good scriptures is required to keep the mind healthy.
All the great men, scientists, saints, sages etc. in the world were self-studyers, due to which they were able to live a life of patience and happiness even in difficult situations. Self-study is a very good means of self-development. In ancient times, sages used to teach their disciples the sutra of 'Swadhyayat Ma Pramadah', which means - never be careless in improving your abilities through self-study.

Benefits of self study

Regular self-study really refines the outlook. Through self-study a person imbibes good thoughts. Bad thoughts go away only by having good thoughts. The benefits of Swadhyaya Chikitsa are as follows-
   Through self-study, we get new ideas which changes our thinking, changes the person's way of perception, which helps the person in solving problems and taking decisions.
   In self-study, when a person repeatedly introspects through reflection, he becomes aware of his 'self', he gets to know his hidden abilities, which increases creativity and self-confidence.
    Through self-study, one's real condition is gradually revealed and the sense of ego also gradually decreases.
    Self-study can save a person from mental disorders, worries and sorrows.
  It has been observed that when the mind is troubled by worries and mental confusions, then reading good books automatically removes those worries and confusions.
  A person who does self-study daily transcends sorrows (Mahabharata Shanti Parva). 
    A person who studies himself never feels lonely.
    Regular self-study develops correct understanding (conscience). It is also helpful in developing a sense of detachment which helps a person achieve mental health because in Yoga, attachment is considered to be the cause of our sorrows. 
Self-study is the best means of self-development. 
Live an upward life and have a clear conscience. 
The sutra “Svadhyayan Ma Pramadah” laid the foundation. 
Spontaneous communication of sages with their disciples. 
Personality becomes balanced through self-study. 
Existence influenced by attractive personality. 
Develop correct understanding, yoga and renunciation flourish. 
This is like a panacea, the good fortune of human beings. (Bagi, 2023)
From the above facts, we can say that through self-study, our mentality is refined and filled with healthy and noble thoughts. The power of thought is the best power in the world. Whatever a person thinks, he becomes like that. Our mind is the software of the brain and our brain is the hardware of the mind. The mind and brain are bombarded by millions of thought waves every moment. Negative thoughts affect and irritate our mind, because these negative thoughts are like a virus. Antivirus is also required to scan and destroy this virus. Yoga practice and self-study here act like an antivirus if practiced regularly. Regular practice of self-study inspires us for self-analysis which leads to management of thoughts. 


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