Role and importance of Hindu woman In the prosperity of the nation

Role and importance of Hindu woman In the prosperity of the nation

Pro. Kusumlata Kedia   

   In the entire known history, the role of Hindu women in the life of the nation has been equal to that of men. Many aspects and forms of women are discussed in the Vedas themselves. While women of the Vedic period were equal to men in the scriptures and spiritual knowledge and in penance and accomplishment, they also played an important role in various crafts. There is mention in the Vedas of learned women who devoted their entire lives to the study of Mimamsa Shastra, Nyaya Shastra, Vedanta etc. Kashkatstri was a great philosopher: Gargi Naiyayik and Atreyi Vedanta-Wishaard. Vedic sages like Vishwavara, Ghosha, Apala, Lopamudra, Romasha, Sikta, Niwavari etc. are famous. In Jain literature, there is mention of a scholar named Jayanti, a lifelong student of religious philosophy.
Women of the Vedic period are also described as being trained in various crafts and earning money through crafts. The work of textile weaving was very advanced and there were skilled women in its various branches. There is description of women doing Susthi Karma (stitching), Peshskari (embroidering), Rajiyatri (dying) etc. There were different Vedic nouns for different tasks of weaving, such as dhoti weaving (vaso-vay), warp weaving (tantu vaya), bana binna (otu vaya). Cotton dhoti was called Vasas, silk clothes were called Tarpya and Kshoma and woolen clothes were called Urna-Vass. There is mention of skilled weaving women in all these. Similarly, women who work with bamboo (Vidalkari), make sword sheaths and boxes or boxes (Koshkari), make eye-rings (Aanjnikari), dance and play music, run Kitav-gambling houses (gambling houses) etc. Description is found in Vedic literature. What is important here is that these are mentioned separately in the literature. Which shows that they had an independent and respectable position. Because it was the duty of Muslim and Christian women to help their husbands at home. But before the 19th century AD no separate mention of Europe or Arab countries is not found in the history. 
A big proof of the independent and respectable status of women in India is that whereas in Arab and other Muslim countries (except the Muslim nation states of Pakistan and Bangladesh, created in 1947 AD within the Hindu nation), there is no mention of any woman ruler. In the 18th and 19th centuries AD, we not only find a rich tradition of Hindu queens and empresses, but Muslim Begums are also seen ruling. Begum Hazrat Mahal of Awadh state and Ruling Begum of Bhopal are examples of this. This is clearly a Hindu influence. This is the tradition only in the royal families who became Muslims from Hindu clans. Among the royal families who became Muslims centuries ago there is no such tradition. 
In the Vedas, Indrani has been called Aparajita fighter. The tradition of brave general queens continued in India till the 20th century AD. The fighting skills of Queen Kaikeyi are famous, but in the 19th and 20th century AD, the brave women commanders like Maharani Chennamma of Kittur in Karnataka and Maharani Lakshmibai of Jhansi remind us of that tradition. Similarly, Rani Rasmani, Rani Bhavani, Rani Anandsundari Gupta, Maharani Ahilyabai etc. are also in the same glorious tradition.

Wide tradition of girls' education

There are detailed mentions of women's education in the fifth century AD (Panini period). According to scholars, it seems that there were some restrictions on women's education in the Middle Ages. The facts prove that the Islamic imperialist invasion and destruction of educational centers had an impact on the entire society, not just on women's education or the condition of women. Where Muslim influence was widespread, in many parts of India also the practice of purdah, child marriage etc. became prevalent among some sections of the society. There is no such evil practice in the rest of India.

Girls' education in the 18th century AD

Even then, according to the data collected by the British officers in the eighteenth century AD, girls' education was adequate in India, although it was being given mainly in homes. (This situation continued during the Muslim terror.) According to the British statistics of 1825 AD, the detailed statistics of two districts of the education being given to girls in schools outside their homes has been given by the then Collector, which is from Dharampal's book 'The Beautiful are given in 'Tree'.
To spread British influence in India, Christian missionaries and East India Company employees started spreading many lies about the condition of Hindu women through their Hindu employees. Rammohan Roy, an employee of the company, wrote several articles on this subject and started a campaign. Due to which the company was happy and gave the title of Raja to its clerk and sent him to London as an Indian Raja and got him to apply to the British government regarding the plight of Indian women.
The important thing is that all this false propaganda was being done about India at a time when in Europe it was believed that women do not have a soul and they are only for the enjoyment and entertainment of men and they are not given property. There is no right to be a mistress or to have a separate personality or to vote. Because women in Europe got the right to vote only about 100 years after this false propaganda made by Ram Mohan Roy about the women of India.

women's right to vote

It is well known that in the United Kingdom (Britain), women got the right to vote in 1928 AD. In USA in 1965 AD, in France in 1941 AD, in Germany in 1918 AD, in Italy in 1945 AD, in China in 1949 AD, in Canada in 1960 AD, in Spain in 1977 AD, in Iran in 1969 AD and Women in the United Arab Emirates got the right to vote in 2006 AD.

Plight of women and oppression

Before that, in many countries of Christian Europe and in the United States, there was severe oppression of women till the beginning of the 20th century AD. there was plight and thousands of them were gathered together and burnt alive. Matilda Joslyn Gage, a famous American writer and scholar who fought for women's freedom, has said that large areas in America were safe for burning women alive. Even if the car passed by them, the smell of the bodies of women being burnt alive continued for many miles.
See these excerpts from Matilda Joslyn Gage's book 'Woman, Church and State', given from pages 247 to 271 (1997 AD edition published by Voice of India from New Delhi) - "Boiling alive in water is a form of torture. was the type that generally was given to women. Official records in Paris show that the fees for torture were higher in France than in England. Here it cost 48 francs to boil oil, whereas in England it cost 1 shilling. 10 francs for breaking a body on a wheel, 30 francs for tearing a body into four pieces by a horse, 2 francs for burying alive, 28 francs for burning a woman alive who was declared a witch, 24 francs for drowning a baby in a sack. Those who inflicted these punishments received 10 francs for cutting off the tongue, ears, nose, 10 francs for branding with a red hot rod, 2 francs for inserting a 'thumb screw', 28 francs for removing the skin alive. This list is quite long.”
"When these so-called 'witches' 'confessed' their illegitimate relations with the devil after barbaric torture, the judges used to give them the death penalty. According to historical evidence, in the period from 1484 to 1784, 90 lakh women were executed. Killed for the crime of witchcraft (page 247 of the above book of Matilda). The number of people killed in the earlier centuries is not known. The cases related to 'witchcraft' kept the church treasury filled because the family in which even one witch found all his property belonged to the church. 
The method of giving death penalty was also extremely barbaric. Matilda page 246- it has also been described in section 247 - The criminal was sent to a prison the exile was kept in a deep dark basement. hands and feet tightly they were tied and hung from the four corners of that basement. Then a heavy weight was placed on it which was increased every day. On the first day, three mouthfuls of barley bread were given to eat. The next day only water was given and then the next day that too was stopped. On top of that, the weight was continuously increased and this work was continued till the death of the criminal. Another author Karen Armstrong has written several books on similar harassment of Christian women and has given authentic details of them.
In order to hide the plight of women in England and other European countries, the issue of instigating the widow to commit sati due to greed in some families in Bengal due to the widow getting property, was given such exaggerated publicity that it seemed as if it was heard in every house. Every widow woman is burnt in this manner. The Hindu employees of the company were asked to spread this lie, which they did. At that time, women in Europe were not the owners of even minimal property and did not have control over anything in the house or in-laws' house. To hide this fact, some of the wealthy widows of Bengal were instigated by some of their relatives. It was publicized so exaggeratedly to hide the fact that women owned property in Bengal. Similarly, there were many queens in Bengal at that time, whom the company people publicized as landlords and business women so that the truth of their being queens could be hidden. These employees would first go to the same queens and request them to provide some business related facilities and then when they would generously provide such facilities, these ungrateful brutes would start conspiring against them because they were aware of the conspiracy against women. There was a practice in our country.

Women's demand for freedom is natural

The demand for women's freedom is natural in the women's movement that has been going on in Europe against the severe oppression of women and the barbaric tortures and severe restrictions that they faced for centuries. Whereas in imitation of him, the women in India who repeat the same things call themselves supporters of women's freedom. It is clear that it has nothing to do with Indian country and time, history and truth.
In fact, Hindu women have huge responsibilities in the context of this world history. First of all, the Indian woman herself will have to identify her identity in the context of her real history. The claim of European women to lead women around the world ignores the facts of history. Certainly, the women of Europe could free themselves from their suffering and misery only through great patience and struggle. But because of this effort, they should create a lie by calling the always respected women around the world as humiliated, despised and oppressed like themselves, it is not right.
The truth is that an Indian woman can guide the European woman with the light of her wisdom and modesty, and can give her necessary advice. Can give him spiritual support of intellectual light. Can set before him an exemplary example of proper behaviour. Eurochrist can spiritually assist 'man' in the difficult task of freeing him from demonic bondage and making him truly human. Can give him emotional support. Can support Tej. By explaining the religion of the inner essence, it can suggest the way to become powerful. Hindu women can also provide similar help to women initiated into Islam.
Truth is the greatest power of a Hindu woman. Historical reality is the main basis of his self-respect. His natural tendency is to exalt his virtues and virtues. He not only has to free himself from misconceptions, he also has to help others to become free. It is one's duty and duty to hold a civilizational discussion on the women's issue from the Hindu point of view and it also has the innate capability to stop considering only the Euro-Christian society as the world society. The background of self-respect should be limited to the influences that came during the Muslim period. There is no need for pity and guilt. In such a vast passage of time, when the entire Indian society felt guilty for a few years, it was bound to happen to the Indian women too. The independent Indian woman is capable of removing this guilt of religion.
It is natural that in independent India, Indian women should come forward in every sphere of national life and they should be established with their self-respect. Indian women are playing a leading role in all spheres of culture and life including army, business, industry, medicine, service, education. The effects of medieval deformities have also resulted in deformities in some men. Indian women also have to face it. With bravery and wisdom, she can easily face these difficulties and is doing so. Indian women are active today in every sphere of national life, which is in continuation of its history. 


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