Immunity and Autoimmune Diseases

Immunity   and Autoimmune Diseases

Dr. Nagendra 'Neeraj'  Director and Medical Incharge
Yoga-Gram, Patanjali Yogpeeth Haridwar

9. Vasculitis disease
In this, the unruly soldiers of the immune system attack the blood vessels and cause inflammation in the blood vessels. As a result, the blood vessels become thick and their internal area and width decrease. Blood circulation becomes disturbed and weak. As a result, due to not getting enough nutrition and energy, other organs and tissues get damaged. Sculitis has many color forms, sizes and types, due to which one to many organs are affected in short and long term. In this, fatigue, weight loss, general aches and pains, fever, headache, pain after meals, ringing in the ears, vision defects, weakness in hands and feet, palms, hands and feet become hard and swollen. Blood cancer, Arthritis, SLE, Scleroderma and some medicines aggravate the slits. Can occur at the age of 5 to 50 years. In this, family history, medicines, drug abuse, some other autoimmune diseases SLE, scleroderma and arthritis aggravate this disease. Organs get damaged due to this disease. As the disease progresses, blindness, formation of blood rashes and aneurysm (arterial expansion) occur.
10. Psoriasis
Chaotic soldiers of the immune system, T-lymphocytes, accumulate in the skin and make the skin cells furious, resulting in a silvery scaly rash all over the skin. It is very painful. Dryness, itching, burning sensation in the skin of any part of the body, abdomen, back, legs, hands, nails are thick, pitted, stained. Sometimes the skin of all the organs gets affected by this disease. Swelling and pain in the joints increase.
11. Myasthenia Gravis
The immune system's hostile antibodies destroy or block the signaling system that transmits information between the specific muscle protein receptor tyrosine kinase and the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. Symptoms of many diseases are seen due to the disorganization of signals between different muscles and the brain. This disease occurs beyond the age of 40 years for women and 60 years for men and also in children.
Surgery, stress, pregnancy, menstruation, some medicines like beta block, quinine, quinidine gluconate, quinidine sulphate, phenytoin and some antibiotics, mental stress-pressure are related to this disease. These make the disease very virulent. When the muscles of the lungs are relaxed, the respiratory condition worsens. Common tumors in the thymus are thymomas and hyperactivity of the thymus due to infection with human parovirus B-19 also causes myosthenia. This disease also becomes severe in hypo and hyper thyroidism. In this disease due to lack of control over voluntary activities, walking, speaking, chewing food, swallowing, double vision defect (diplopia), frequent closure of eyelids (ptosis), confused facial expressions, hoarse voice and distorted smile. , growl-like hum, fatigue, signs of weakness appear. Suffering from myasthenia gravis, film megastar Amitabh Bachchan, with his restrained lifestyle, is leading an active life even with this is a source of inspiration for such patients.
12. Sjogren's syndrome
Defense soldiers of the immune system mistakenly, ignorantly and unknowingly attack and damage the body's moisture-producing glands, which produce different types of fluid to maintain the moisture, fluidity and protection of various organs. . Due to which their liquidity, moisture and safety are in danger. Its first effect is on the mouth and eyes. As a result, the production of tears and saliva reduces or ceases. Dryness and dryness starts coming in the mouth and eyes. This is its main symptom. Apart from this, swelling in the glands located near the jaw and ears, the original place of salivation, joints, eyes, nose, ears, muscles, skin, vagina etc. are side effects. Due to disturbances in their secretion, red rashes on the skin and symptoms of dryness and dryness, vaginal-dryness, continuous dry cough, long-term fatigue etc. are seen. In this disease thyroid, kidney, lungs, skin, nerves, kidney, all joints are affected. Nausea, vomiting, bloating, diarrhea occur on an empty stomach.
It is seen more in women above the age of 40 and in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Infection of teeth, dental cavity, oral thrush yeast infection of the mouth starts due to lack of saliva saliva juice. Vision defects begin to become very difficult to see.
Inflammation of lungs, liver and kidney in case of more chronic, Hepatitis, bronchitis, pneumonia and kidney disease seems like gradual numbness, loss of touch, tingling in the nerves (Numbness and Tingling) and more physical fatigue in this it occurs. Symptoms of daytime sleepiness, frequent urination etc. are seen. 
Symptoms of all the above mentioned autoimmune diseases and reason
Often the main symptoms of these diseases are fatigue, muscle weakness, pain, mild fever, lack of concentration, pain in hands and feet, hair loss, skin rashes, loss of sensation, numbness of cheeks and lips, hands and feet, tingling. And tingling, swelling of glands, sun ray ultraviolet allergy, abdominal pain, joint pain and swelling etc. are seen. Understand why this happens.
Despite all these reasons, its root cause could not be detected in medical science. only symptomatic treatment happens. In autoimmune disease, it is believed that micro-organism bacteria or virus or any drug, antigen or any other external factor by deceitfully confusing our immune system and collusion with them or by honey-trap technique, antibodies etc. By inciting and provoking them, they create a conspiracy and force them to destroy only the healthy, innocent, pure cells of the body. Various autoimmune diseases are named according to the organ tissue, muscles, ligaments, tendons, bones and organs that our antibodies soldiers destroy. Some autoimmune diseases are also genetic. As long as these genes remain silent there is no problem, but by reacting fiercely with any external factor or internal factor endotoxins, bacteria or viruses, antigens, allergens etc. . they forget. The natural religion and rules of the body lay the foundation for autoimmune diseases. In these diseases, chaotic antibodies of the immune system attack various organs of the body like lungs, kidneys, nerves, nerves, blood, liver, lungs etc. and start destroying them.
 1.    There are both hereditary and genetic causes. Any member in the family related to the parent has had this disease or other autoimmune disease 
2.    External environmental causes such as exposure to cold and sun irradiated by ultraviolet rays
3.    Side effects of some medicines
4.    Violentness increases in physical and mental stress 
5.    Infections of parasitic virus, bacteria, yeast, fungi etc.
6.    Trauma
7.    Age 15 to 40 years more at risk 
8.    Women are more likely than men
9.    In this disease, our own immune system and immune cells which fight against various diseases start behaving hostilely with our own organs. They become aggressive. They do not recognize who is the enemy of the body, who is the friend. Various immune cells especially CD4+T Cells, CD8+T Cell, T-Helper-1 thus auto antibodies or auto reactive T-cells that protect health. They start working against us and this happens due to any bacteria, virus or any kind of pathogens or any other external environmental factors like some medicines, chemical poisons, cold and hot weather, environmental pollution etc. 
Various researches published in recent research papers according to this, those security soldiers of the body have been identified, which cause various types of autoimmune diseases. These are primarily such audacious virulent pathogens, which have a decisively important role in causing autoimmune diseases. In these, mainly some anti-bodies of B-cells, immunoglobulins and T-cells, instead of protecting the body, they start destroying the tissues and various cells of different organs related to autoimmune diseases, but now they have lost their way. Are. CD4+T Cells, CD8+T Cell and Treg T-cells, Cytokines, Bruton's Tyrosine Kinase. Brave security soldiers. The singling pathways of these misguided and misguided soldiers who deviated from their right path have been identified. Every possible effort is made to bring these misguided soldiers on the right path, if they do not agree, either their heinous wrongdoing like causing diseases is stubbornly stopped or suppressed. Prakriti-Yoga- Ayurveda medicine, proper treatment, dietary thoughts and lifestyle bring them on the right path and provide health. About 75 percent of women suffer from autoimmune diseases during pregnancy. 75% of women with rheumatoid arthritis and 90% of women with SLE. Suffers from In addition to pregnancy, women are more prone to autoimmune diseases during menopause. Joint cell arthritis (GCA) and S. L.E. Usually African, it is more in American. Pemphigus in the Mediterranean, Vulgaris vegetation is more. women with rheumatoid arthritis R.A. Her daughter's S.L.E. would be in danger of Yes, not necessary. X Linked A Gamma Globulinemia (XLA) Key role of defective pathogenic button tyrosine kinase in it occurs. In the autoimmune disease XLA, the B-cells mistakenly produce antigen-causing anti-bodies called immunoglobulins. It causes symptoms like bronchitis, diarrhoea, middle ear infection, sinusitis, conjunctivitis, skin infection etc.
In the investigation of these diseases, complete blood count, antibodies test, kidney function test, lipid profile should be done. sle WBC and platelets are low, ESR and protein in urine are increased blood cells. Blood and Urine, Sugar and Protein tests, Antithyroid Antibodies, Antinuclear Antibodies, ANA, CR. P., Immuno Fluorescence Assay (I.F.A) Imaging test, X-ray, Biopsy test etc. are done. BP of all patients in general examination. R. R. P.R. It is necessary to take weight, temperature etc.
Treatment is prescribed according to the condition of the patient. Mud wrap, Stomach, Head, Eye hot foot bath, Wet wrap, Full tub immersion-bath, Steam bath, Savanna bath, Steam bath, Wet wrap, Individual body wrap, Whirlpool, Circular bath, Spine bath, Give Katisnan etc. Give treatment according to the disease and condition of the patient like SLE. Sun bath aggravates the disease. The same is beneficial in multiple sclerosis, type-1 and type-2 diabetes, psoriasis, rheumatoid and all types of arthritis and bone diseases. In some psoriasis patients, sun exposure worsens the disease.
In the six karmas, Jalneti, Kunjar, Sutra Neti, Shankhaprakshalan, Kshirbasti etc. according to the condition of the patient. 
Asana or Body Posture
Subtle exercises of joint movement, Pavan Muktasana, Bhujangasana, Ardhashalbhasana.
Anulom-Vilom, Bhasrika, Kapalabhati, Udgitha Pranayama, Bhramari. Do Pranayama daily for 3-5 hours as per your convenience while sitting, walking and sleeping. especially anulom vilom Pranayama can be done at any time.
Diet therapy
Do not give two types of food to the SLE patients-
1. Allicin present in garlic aggravates the symptoms of ajoene and thiosulfinatasm.
2. The amino acid L-kenanthenin in alfalfa sprouts aggravates the symptoms of lupus by severely stimulating the immune system.
Low-fat milk, cheese, yogurt, cucumber with seeds, cucumber, pumpkin, melon, watermelon, soaked almonds without skin, groundnut, banana, dates, raisins in a grinder to make milk, soyabean milk and yogurt for autoimmune patients , Tofu, cheese, calcium and vitamin-D, fortified foods, magnesium and carotene foods, dark green vegetables, carrots, spinach, lettuce, collards, amaranth, bathua, coriander, parsley, cilantro, radish, beetroot, Vegetables of turnip and their leaves, strawberry, darkmulberry, blue and black berry, sweet potato, apple, grapes, pear, peach, sweet potato fever, pineapple, etc. in fruits, give decoction of basil and Arjuna's bark according to the condition of the patient. To remove mercury from the body, pectin-rich foods are apple, pear, plum, banana, avocado, barley tide juice, green-tea,
Eat spirulina, oats, broccoli. Sometimes orange, sweet lime, lemon, grapefruit, mango can be taken. Make sure to use beans, broad beans, chickpeas, beans, beans, legumes, amaranth, guar, drumstick pods occasionally.
Any kind of meat, fish, hamburger, hot dog, strong knoff atop, pasta, beef sandwich, mutton curry, como, oyster, tawa mutton, fried meat, kabargah keema, matar masala etc. non-vegetarian, e-cigarette (cadmium) heavy metal metal Do not eat dietary fish (mercury), brown rice (arsenic), lead (many types of bone soup, bone broth) even by mistake. Don't take tandoor, deep frying, grilling etc. food made at high temperature, processed meat, preserving flavor, salting curing, smoking hot dog, ham bacon chorizo salami etc non-vegetarian. Moldy foods, corn syrup, sugar, candy, cream rolls, cookies, cookies, patties-pasties, etc. Confectionery-foods, any type of salty, fat and sugar foods, nightshade solanaceous foods, tomatoes, brinjals, potatoes, any kind of Chillies green or red, soil-hot chillies, eggs, coffee, alcohol, sugar, oil, additives should not be taken or given. Use an antiinflammatory diet. 


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