Vedic Society

Vedic Society

Mahamopadhyay Dr. Mahavir Agarwal  
VVice-Chancellor, Patanjali University, Haridwar

   Veda, it is the most sacred knowledge revealed by the Supreme Father God in the pure hearts of the sages at the beginning of creation for the welfare of the world.
Sarvagyanmayo Hi Saha, Sarvam Vedat Prasidhyati, Vedoakhilodharmamoolam Brahmanena Nishkarano Dharmah Shadaangovedoadhyeyo Gyeyashcha,
etc. of the sages, the glory of the Vedas can be known from the Amritvachans. 
Country saviour, social reformer Aditya Brahmachari Maharishi Dayanand gave the message- 'Veda is the book of all true knowledge, reading, teaching and listening to Vedas is the supreme religion of all. 
The Vedas are not for any particular country, religion, caste, sect or class, but for the welfare of all living beings. Although the origin of the Mandakini in the form of the Vedas is India, the thought in it is of the entire world. 'Krinvanto visvamaryam' is the exclamation of the Vedic sages. The message of the Vedas is: 'Shrunvantu visve'amritasya putrah', meaning O my sons of nectar! You all listen to the auspicious Vedic voice. 'Yatra visvam bhavatyekanidam' The concept of the Vedas is that this whole world is a nest. Just as many birds in a nest live in love with each other, so let us all live in love with the human world as our nest (home).
There are five steps in the grand palace of the world – individual, family, society, nation and the world.
The four Vedas have given many excellent precepts regarding these five. Precepts like 'Manurbhava, janay divyam janam', 'Ma'hirbhuh ma pridakuh' and 'Ma gridhah' show the way of person formation. Similarly, 'Samapo hridayani nau' 'Kridantau putrairnaptribhirmodamanau sve ghare' 'Anuvratah pituh putrah matra bhavatu sammana' Be the god of mother, Be the god of father etc. guide the happiness, fortune, love and happiness of couple and family.
Where the life and character of the individuals will be perfect, the families will be the abode of happiness through mutual love and rituals of Panchamahayagya, the society there will also be an ideal society.
Individual and society, individual and society, are complementary to each other. The best society is built only by the best people, and living in the best society the life of the people also becomes exemplary. Man is a social animal. We cannot live without society. We get good manners from the society itself. Whatever we have, education, food, housing, clothes, various tools etc., we get all these from the society. We do not exist without society. This is the reason why great men like Maharishi Dayanand, Mahatma Kabir, Raja Rammohan Roy, Mahatma Jyotiba Phule, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar etc., became social reformers and devoted their entire lives for the upliftment, improvement and sophistication of the society.
In all the four Vedas beautiful teachings have been given in thousands of mantras to make the society happy, prosperous, joyful and ideal. Vedamata says-
Sahridayam Sanmanasyamavidvensh
krinemi Vah l
Anyoanyamabhiharyata Vatsam
Jatmivadhya ll
Means O humans. I have sent you into this world by making you kind-hearted, mindful and without malice. You all love each other like a mother cow loves her just-born child (calf). According to the time, many defects and evils come in the society. It is necessary to eliminate them and make social life flawless. As long as the defects are not abandoned, the virtues cannot enter. Veda says-
Vishvani Deva Savittar Duritani Parasuva I
Yadra Bhadram Tanna Asuva l Yaju 30/3
It has been prayed in this mantra that O Savita Dev, remove the bad qualities and addictions in our life and get us the beneficial qualities, actions and nature.
This mantra was very dear to social reformer Maharishi Dayanand. Just as we sweep the house every morning after getting up and take out the garbage, in the same way we should continue to remove impurity from our personal and social life.
The organization of the Rigveda is the Sukta, a strong herald of social unity: 
Sam Samid Yuvase Vrishannagne Visvanyarya aa
Idaspade Samidhyase Sa No Vasunya Bhara l
Sangachchhadhvasam Sam Vaddhsam Sam Wo Manansi Janatam l
Deva Bhagam Yatha Purve Sanjanana Upasate l
Samano Mantro Samitih Samani Samanam Manah Sah Chittamesham l
Samanam Mantrambhintraye Vah Samanen Wo Havishajuhomi l
Samani Wa Akutih Samana Hridyani Wah l
Samanamastu Wo Mano Yatha Wah Susahasati I
(Rigved- 10/191)
It has been said in many mantras in the Vedas to see every living being with a friendly vision, as-
Mitrasya Ma Chakshusha Sarvani Bhutani Samikshe l
Mitrasya Chakshusha Samikshamahe II
(Yaju. 36/18)
That is, we should look at all the creatures of the world with a friendly eye. Do not be jealous, hateful, hostile and dirty towards anyone. It is in the Atharva Veda that the prayer is said, O Lord. Please do so that I can have goodwill towards all living beings, both directly and indirectly.
Yanshcha Pashyami Yan(Atharva 17/1/7)

Sense of equity

It is clearly said in Rigveda that all these human beings are brothers, none of them is greater by birth and none is younger, adopting this sense of equality, all should strive together for prosperity and progress and move ahead - 
Ajyesthas Akanishthas Ete, San Bharatro Vavridhu Saubhagaya ll
(Rigved- 5/60/5)
This sense of equality binds the whole society in the thread of unity. It is said in a mantra-
'Sagdhischa me sapitischa Mein
(Yajurveda- 18/9 )
That is, we should all have the same place for food and drinks. In the Gurukuliya tradition of the Vedic period, the son of a king and the son of a poor father used to study together. Used to eat the same food. No one was big and no one was small. Sri Krishna and Sudama lived a similar life while studying together in the hermitage of Maharishi Sandipani.
In the Vedic period, the Varna system or the Ashram system was meant to run the families and the society in an orderly manner. There was no sense of high-low or inequality anywhere in him.
Sense of human welfare
It is said in the Rigveda that man should protect man in all respects.
Puman Pumansam Paripatu Vishwatah l
(Rigved 6/75/14)
The Arthaveda also prays that we humans should let good conscience and goodwill be expanded:
"Tatkrinmo Brahma Vo Ghare Sanjnanam Purushebhya I"    (Atharva 3/30/4) 
In Vedas, eating alone is considered as eating sin. It is said in Atharvaveda-
Sahbhaksha Syam (Atharva- 6/30/4) 
The Vedas say: 'Kevalagho Bhavati Kevaladi'
(Rigveda 10/117/60)
That is, a person who eats alone devours sin. That is why the Vedas wish for Bhadra Lakshmi.
'Vayam Syam Patiyo Raniyam' or 'Agne Naya Supatha Raye', Rai is wished for . Rayi is the divine form of wealth, which feels blessed in giving. The word Rayi is derived from the root ra dane. Prajapati also inspired charity by preaching 'Da'
Rit and Satya
To connect the vast society, like universal brotherhood, benevolence, kindness, compassion etc., truth and truth are also considered essential. The same prayer is offered in 'Ritan Cha Satyamchabhiddhattapason dhyajayat', which is performed daily in the evening. Truth and righteousness give strength and glory to the country. Describing the glory of truth in the Vedas, it has been said that the way the sky is being held by the sun, in the same way-
'Satyenottabhita Bhumih' (Rigveda 10/85/1)
Truth holds the land. In the first mantra of the Bhumi Sukta of the Atharva Veda, Satya and Rit are enumerated first among the elements that sustain the nation:
Satyam Vrihradritamugram Diksha Tapo Brahma Yagya Prithivim Dharayanti
(Atharva Veda- 12/9/9) 
Similarly, the Vedic thought stream preaches fasting for the individual, family, society and nation:
Vratena Dikshamapanoti Dikshayapanoti Dakshinamam l
Dakshina Shraddhamapnoti Shraddhaya Satyamapyate. (Yaju. 19 / 30)
Thus, there are many references in the Vedas for building a perfect society. It is necessary that they should be propagated in the entire society so that we can renovate the society with Vedic life values, ideals and teachings. 


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